Tuesday, 9 December 2008

This'll be short, but not for Marc.

This'll be short because this report of D+D (Discourse and Drainpipes) is going to be short. Very short.

In this addition it was me, Leigh and Dave. Dan was in Bristol (keeps taking people away) and Simon wanted sleep for his new job selling sky door to door. (Simon not coming means Tim is unable to come). But we soldier on. Again.

This session was basically two very long fights. One against about 4 orcs and another against an uber orc. This took us about 2 hours with an hours break in the middle for top gear. No idea how this happened cause we didn't do THAT badly. I mean I was competent. I kicked some ass. And failed to wake up Alexander the easily persauded (Simons character) then once I managed to wake him I failed to un tie him. Twice. Each. Stupid 2.

So yeah. Basically the interesting things that happened. Other than the fact Glady's is now back and kicking some ass (did 46 dmg on her first attack). I leveled twice aswell. Levels actually go a lot quicker in 4th edition due to them being every 1,250 or something like that. Maybe this is better?

So ... hows the recession treating everyone? I for one am enjoying my 60p saving on computer games. Yeah. But in seriousness I'm not someone who's going to be effected by this. I have a stable job, I live with my parents, I don't own a small business in a competitive market. I'm fine. Though I was reading a new article the other day that says there's going to be some big revisions done to the welfare state. So hopefully by the time I'm paying tax it wont be going to chavs who can;t be fucked to work and instead pump out children they don't know how to raise nor care about (but are still seen as having more right to have these children than a gay couple). I feel sorry for those children and even more sorry for the people they decide to take their anger out on.

Talking about people who don't like homosexuals having rights: gay marriage. I've pretty much said what I think on Coopers blog but just to add to that: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8j2y9WtTPw .. I've just spent an hour watching prop 8 things on youtube trying to fidn a specific video btu failing. Basically the video I was trying to find was these two kids, about 6, singing about how gay marriage is a terrible thing. I thought it was pretty damn appalling. Its one thing to be against gay amrriage but using children in your ads? Using children with a jointy tune? Thats just low. But instead I found others, like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75J3TN9Zzck&feature=related and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YRQZwNfQ0o&feature=related.

I find the fear mungering of these ads to be insulting to my intellegence. Then remember their not for me and feel sorry for the Americans who were being insulted in such away. Even mroe sorry for those who bought it. Will gay amrriage and sodomy be taught in school because of prop 8? Probably not, but its not really about that. Its about religious groups fearing that if the government says that homosexuality is alright that that might mean society will say homosexuality is alright. And if society say homosexuality is right then men and women wont have to go through years of self mental torture trying their hardest to deny who they are. Men and women wont have to suffer verbal and physical abuse for trying to be who they are and not hidng themselves. Because if society says its ok then men and women wont be forced into "correctional" facilities run by churches nor will they continue to go to church in the hope of a miracle. Further more if the government says its ok then that means the state and church are apart, and they can't have that.

The funniest thing about this is that these ads were heavily financed by mormons. Apparently $20 million were given by the mormon church to drum up ads and support for prop 8. From Utah. Mormons from the state of Utah drummed up $20 million to appose gay marriage in the state of California. Surely that money could have gone to improving their state. Could ahve gone to improving the country, but no. No they chose to spend it ond enying people rights. Swell.

... I blame Cooper for this being longer than the title suggests. Anyway I leave you with two more videos; the Jack Black musical and another one from keith Olberman.


The Bible contains six admonishments to homosexuals and 362 admonishments to heterosexuals. That doesn't mean that God doesn't love heterosexuals. It's just that they need more supervision. ~Lynn Lavner

Saturday, 6 December 2008

This'll be short for Marc.

I have now officially lived on this earth for 22 years. Brilliant. I admit I had already gotten used to being 22 weeks before I was so the day didn't have so much significance to myself, however it did seem to matter to everyone else. I think more people remembered my 22nd birthday than any other birthday. Ever. Seriously even Kerri Bass, whom I haven't spoken to since GCSE's, sent me a happy birthday message. I was very touched.

With rememberence came the first time I've really celebrated my birthday since my 18th (we all know about that and don't need to talk about it. Ever). Wasn't a big thing just a few friends having drinks in voodoo having a lovely
time. It was very lovely.

As well as remembering people who didn't have to got me a present. Well tried to get me a present. Last year my PS2 decided it had had enough after 6 years and started scratching ym discs instead of reading them. This led to me opening my ps2 up, not being able to remember how to put it back together and keeping it for months untill finally throwing it out when I sorted out my room to fit in a drum kit. Then a couple of months ago I got nostalgic for some ye olde Final Fantasy playing and bought myself a second hand ps2. Unfortunetly I never told Leigh this and he came up with the brilliant, and very touching, idea to buy me another one. Of course he didn't just pay out £40 for a present for me, no he got Carl and Marc to help with the money. Now this is where it goes a bit wrong/weird.

While I hadn't told Leigh about getting a new ps2 I had told Marc, whom actually replied with "If it was 6 years ago I'd be very happy for you. Infact I was." Not only did I tell him I had one though I told him about how I couldn't play FF7 or 8 due tot he first discs being fucked. Then I told him about how they should sell old playstation discs individually. Then I told him about how I k
ept getting sniped while trying to buy them from ebay, Then I told him how I had finally got FF8. I also not only told, but had full discussions about my playing if FF10 while I was playing FF10. Either Mar really doesn't listen to a thing I say ro his memories worse than I thought cause all this was forgotten in the four seperate discussions he had with Leigh about buying me a ps2.

The weird thing about this is that Carl was in on it. Not that Carl isn't a lovely person, cause he can be, its just he already bought me a present. He bought me my "Wiid" t-shirt:

So why the hell was he also buying me a ps2? A slime line ps2? Not that I don't appreciate the generosity but its just its maybe a bit too generous. Looking up above me I have two past presents from Carl (my bad taste bears) and he's always letting me off paying him for taxi's and rileys ... I've just realised that Carls the closet thing I've ever had to a boyfriend, This makes me very, very sad. Infact I think I might go cry now.

Just one last thing about queueing. I was in an epic que in Game today, didn't mind I'm English. However what I did mind was peoples lack of que ettiquet. As you all know Game is a small shop so when epic ques acure it snakes through the store including across walk ways. Now you'd think people would have the ability to realise thier blocking these walkways, but no. No one other than em and a dude in a leather jacket 4 people behind me kept the walk ways clear while queueing. Everyone else decided to get in peoples way and have to continuessly move to let people through. I have no idea why I find this so note worthy but I do. Next time your in an epic que and it blocked walk ways, don't be a cock, keep a gap for people to walk by.

Song of the week: Evanescence - My Immortal (Band version)

"To Boote (the best goalkeeper in the world)" - Natalie Frear (I love you)

Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Poofon seems to mean a naked Japanese lady. Interesting.

Howdy there, I guess its time to recount another epic adventure of D+D (Dogs and Diamonds). Well actually this story wont be as epic as the last time, you see things went slightly wrong. As in the people who were meant to be playing slightly didn't turn up. Slightly forbodding.

Not to let Daves double booking and Simons need for last minute interview preparations get in the way of a good time Me, Giles and Leigh went to Giles's friend, Dan's, place. If you ever wondered where the nice one person flats are in Plymouth I'll show you:
Seriously its a pretty sweet pad! Complete with PS3, Xbox360 and Nintendo Wii. Though he didn't have any furniture except a beam bag and some square squishy leather things. It seemed like a pretty new place so I think he just ahsn't got round to that yet.

Ehem, slightly went off track there. Once we'd gotten over the crushing disappointment of Dave, Simon and Tim nto being able to join us we decided that Dave and Simons characters had been captured due to their sutpidity and Dan played a random ranger that had gotten drunk the night before so was late for our mission.

If you remember what happened last time you may remember that I threatened firey death. And I came through with this threat setting the orc on fire and getting sweet, sweet experience. Though disappointingly they were only gathered around a chect containing some supplies. Very anti climatic right?

Soldiering on we found a cage smelling very rancid containing dead bodies and an alive dwarf. Seeing us dashing hero's he jumped for joy and asked for our assistance. Well actually I don't think he asked. I'm pretty sure we were just told to take the hammer off the wall and smash the cell lock. Pretty rude dwarf. But thats ok cause Leigh was no better. They say that absolute power corrupts absolutly and for Leigh that seems to be true. He doesn't even have absolute power but he's still being corrupted by the ability to pretty much kill all things currently living and some that aren't. Thinking that the hammer could be a better weapon he proposed to take the hammer and kill the dwarf. Not just leave him in the cage, but kill him. Thankfully Giles made it clear to Leigh that his current weapons were better so he just let him out and gave him over the weapon.

Who is this dwarf? Some complicated fantasy name, didn't really catch it, but I did catch the part about him being able to make kick ass weapons and armour! Wooh! But only if we get him to his forge. Figures these things will come with a catch. So we again carried on our quest through the dwarf "strong"hold.

The next floor was pretty small only having a single room of interest housing a room of orcs. In dwarf ladies clothing. Yes, crossdressing orcs. Cross species and gender. Time for burning right? Wrong. Leigh sucks. Instead of burning them alive he decided to intimidate them so they run away, taking away my experience and making me have an increasing dislike of werewolves.

The next room started badly and didn't get much better for me. The next room started with a river crossing. Which I failed and fell down a water fall. And hurt myself. But its ok there are a group of orcs around a fire, time for some hearty killing and experience =D. Well I got the experience but the killing didn't go so well for me. With my weapons and there armour class all I needed to do was roll a 10 or above, easy right? Yes, yes it is as long as you don't have my luck at dice rolling. Maybe it was because I started each go with "Greenflame!" and proceeded to roll a 2 or 4 or 1. The moment I didn't state this I rolled a 19. I should take Leigh's tactic of not anouncing what he's doing untill he's rolling damage dice.

Now while my dice rolling was atrocious Leigh didn't have this problem. I don't mean his luck but due to being a werewolf fighter he gets a +17 attack each go. He needed a 1 to beat the orcs armour class. Then he says things like "Am I the only one who's killed anything?" well if your over powered, yeah your going to kill things. Jerk. Though Leigh has taught me something; don't let people be werewolves in D+D. He says he'll probably end up getting crap in later levels while my spells will become more kick ass but he'll probably also get kick ass skills so I doubt he'll ever become unpowerful.

Though I had an inability to roll I did not die. Hell I didn't even get hit untill the second to last turn. Not due to kick ass armour or saving throws but because Giles was controlling the wizard and used a spell that made everyone fall down. This means two things: 1; They couldn't hurt me and 2; I couldn't hit a lifeless body. Brilliant. "Not to worry" I thought "the next battle will be better." Foolish Gensai.

In the next floor we came to a massive hall held up by massive stone pillars with a throne at the end. Or so Giles told us. He hadn't drawn up this part of the dungeon yet so we had to go on discriptions. Though the battle grid I brought came in handy. In this room were four more orcs eating diner. Those bastards! Eating! Die!

This was easier said then done because while Giles used the same kick ass move to knock them all down I still couldn't get over 10 on my dice rolls. Good when they were knocked on concious not so good when they weren't. And everybody else was attacking two orcs that had 1 hp each. And one of the orcs weren't orcs but a . With a spiked chain. That attacked everyone around him. And hurt lots. And when everyoen stopped fighting things with 1 hp did Leigh atatck the dangerous dude? Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. He attacked an orc that I'd been beaten on while unconcious and with very little hp instead. I personally hold Leigh responsible for my death. Stupid Leigh. Yes I died, but don't worry I got better. Thankfully I rolled a 16 to get back up and get the experience and loot.

Healing myself all better we went to one of the four other rooms to find the forge! Yay! Kick ass weapons and armour! But no. And if any of you thought we'd get kick ass weapons and armour as soon as we got the dwarf to the forge hasn't played an RPG. Of course his forge had been ran sacked off all materials. Damn stupid RPG conventions of having to work for everything you get. Probably just going to be shiny scale mail and a knife anyways.

With that disappointment we ended the session and went our seperate ways. Overall I hate die, werewolves and Leigh.

Before Sunday was Saturday and that meant I had friends! Yes actual friends =D. We did all sorts of things like play football, not play football, drink, not drink, dance and not dance. It was wonderful. Though on sunday I found another ball we could have used. Sorry =(.

Also if it snows in Plymouth, and I mean really snows, as in snows during the night AND day AND sets. If it does this I owe the first person to remind me of this sentance a fiver.

"You know, you really ought to have a bra with 403: forbidden on it."
"And you really ought to have a pair of boxers with 404: not found."