Saturday, 6 December 2008

This'll be short for Marc.

I have now officially lived on this earth for 22 years. Brilliant. I admit I had already gotten used to being 22 weeks before I was so the day didn't have so much significance to myself, however it did seem to matter to everyone else. I think more people remembered my 22nd birthday than any other birthday. Ever. Seriously even Kerri Bass, whom I haven't spoken to since GCSE's, sent me a happy birthday message. I was very touched.

With rememberence came the first time I've really celebrated my birthday since my 18th (we all know about that and don't need to talk about it. Ever). Wasn't a big thing just a few friends having drinks in voodoo having a lovely
time. It was very lovely.

As well as remembering people who didn't have to got me a present. Well tried to get me a present. Last year my PS2 decided it had had enough after 6 years and started scratching ym discs instead of reading them. This led to me opening my ps2 up, not being able to remember how to put it back together and keeping it for months untill finally throwing it out when I sorted out my room to fit in a drum kit. Then a couple of months ago I got nostalgic for some ye olde Final Fantasy playing and bought myself a second hand ps2. Unfortunetly I never told Leigh this and he came up with the brilliant, and very touching, idea to buy me another one. Of course he didn't just pay out £40 for a present for me, no he got Carl and Marc to help with the money. Now this is where it goes a bit wrong/weird.

While I hadn't told Leigh about getting a new ps2 I had told Marc, whom actually replied with "If it was 6 years ago I'd be very happy for you. Infact I was." Not only did I tell him I had one though I told him about how I couldn't play FF7 or 8 due tot he first discs being fucked. Then I told him about how they should sell old playstation discs individually. Then I told him about how I k
ept getting sniped while trying to buy them from ebay, Then I told him how I had finally got FF8. I also not only told, but had full discussions about my playing if FF10 while I was playing FF10. Either Mar really doesn't listen to a thing I say ro his memories worse than I thought cause all this was forgotten in the four seperate discussions he had with Leigh about buying me a ps2.

The weird thing about this is that Carl was in on it. Not that Carl isn't a lovely person, cause he can be, its just he already bought me a present. He bought me my "Wiid" t-shirt:

So why the hell was he also buying me a ps2? A slime line ps2? Not that I don't appreciate the generosity but its just its maybe a bit too generous. Looking up above me I have two past presents from Carl (my bad taste bears) and he's always letting me off paying him for taxi's and rileys ... I've just realised that Carls the closet thing I've ever had to a boyfriend, This makes me very, very sad. Infact I think I might go cry now.

Just one last thing about queueing. I was in an epic que in Game today, didn't mind I'm English. However what I did mind was peoples lack of que ettiquet. As you all know Game is a small shop so when epic ques acure it snakes through the store including across walk ways. Now you'd think people would have the ability to realise thier blocking these walkways, but no. No one other than em and a dude in a leather jacket 4 people behind me kept the walk ways clear while queueing. Everyone else decided to get in peoples way and have to continuessly move to let people through. I have no idea why I find this so note worthy but I do. Next time your in an epic que and it blocked walk ways, don't be a cock, keep a gap for people to walk by.

Song of the week: Evanescence - My Immortal (Band version)

"To Boote (the best goalkeeper in the world)" - Natalie Frear (I love you)