Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Disney Time: Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs.

I've never been a big fan of Disney, however I love the Disney Pixar movies. But are the 2D cartoons really worse than the new aged CGI cartoons? Well to find out I've decided to go through and watch the classic Disney movies, going in ascending chronological order. So to start off is Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs!

Ok the start of the movie gives an advantage to the new movies; No beginning credits! Seriously this does not suck you into the movie. Its boring, and kinda narssasistic. Knowing that people generally wont bother with reading the credits after the movie, they force us to read the credits before, so if were watching at a cinema we have no choice but to know who did the cinematography, and the directing, and the toilet cleaning. There just better placed at the end of a movie, when we walking out of the cinema.Thank God I CAN fast forwad!

So we start off with a self opening story book, where we get to read the boring exposition.

So because of a magic mirror and a queens vanity Snow Whites life is in danger. All those who have wondered, it seems that Snow Whites named after her skin tone. Seriously, the mirror describes her as "Skin; white as snow". So her parents named her after her skin tone. No wonder they appear to be dead.

The biggest problem with this name though isn't how bullied she'll be getting through her life, its that her skin isn't that white.
Infact, I'd go so far as to say that the Queens face is paler than hers!

You have to ask yourself though, if the Queen succeds in killing Snow White, would she go through the kingdom killing all the females prettier than her? But what about before Snow White was the fairest? Did the mirror actually ever say she was the fairest? Or has the mass killing already happened and thats why Snow Whites real mothing is no longer alive, and the King was forced to marry her due to lack of choice? I smell fan fiction!

After we find out the evil plot by the Queen, we're taken to our first meeting with our heroine, Snow White, cleaning steps. But not to be disheartened, Snow White immediatly breaks into a song about how if you wish into a wishing well and you hear an echo your wish will come true. Yes, she believes that the echo of a well is your wish being granted. The educational system in this kingdom needs to be reviewed.

However, while singing to the well Prince Charming comes along. Talk about embarrising. There you are, singing a song to a well, when suddenly (and very randomly) the man of your dreams appears out of no where! Awkward.

Snow White does what anyone would do in this situation; run away! But don't worry Snow White, Prince Charming also likes to sing spontaneous songs featuring the adorable antics of small creatures. A match made in heaven I think.

After our introduction to Snow White we cut back to the Queen giving orders to take Snow White out to pick wild flowers, and there the hunts men is ordered to kill her, bringing back her heart. Being the big coward that he is, he spares Snow Whites life, telling her to flee into the woods. Yeah she'll be safe there. A young girl who thinks echo's grant wishes who's lived her life in a castle. Yeah she's going to survive in a woods, possibly filled with rapists due to all the beautiful women being murdered. Bravo Mr. Logic. Infact if you really felt for her you'd just kill her quickly and painlessly, instead of letting her suffer. Bastard.

Paniced Snow White takes her would be murderers advice without question. However, its possible that she quickly took a dose of LSD before flee'ing as she see's monsters in everything she see's. The trees, the bushes, even floating logs. Finally she collapses to the floor because she see's the eye's of woodland creatures. See, she'll survive no problem.

Alone, homeless, a murderous step mother after her, what does Snow White do? Sing of course! When things go wrong, sing a song. Its the Disney way. So next time a chav waddles up to you, don't panic, just sing and all your troubles will go away! Because you'll be unconcious.

Fortunatly for Snow White she is the Aqua Man of land, being able to control small woodland critters. Ordering them to take her to a place where she can be safe they lead her to a small cottage in the middle of the woods.

After a quick peak in the window Snow White takes it upon herself to break into the house and deciding its too dirty she cleans the cottage. How rude can you be? Swanter into someones house uninvited and clean! The nerve of some people.

Deciding that breaking in and cleaning a strangers house isn't taking enough liberties, she goes nosing around the place, checking out the upstairs bedrooms where she finds 7 tiny beds which she believes to be childrens. Yeah 'cause children are really going to be living, alone, in the middle of the woods. Feeling sleepy she decides to take more liberty's and a nap on three of the beds. Fat ass.

Meanwhile we cut to the seven dwarfs getting ready to go home from a hard days mining. I learnt something at this point, the Hi Ho song goes; "its home from work we go" as well as "Off to work we go". I previously did not know this. Also with all the gems that seems to be littering this mine, should the dwarves own the world? I mean seriously, if their not using these gems to sell and gain money, why are they mining these gems? A hobby?

Getting home the dwarfs are stunned to find the lights in the cottage on. Thinking a monster has invaded there home and cleaned (because everyone knows monsters are clean freaks. Why they terrorise children), they quietly hunt down the monster. Find it sleeping in their beds.

Pick axes in hand they get ready to deliver a killing blow, a scene remenant of the Ring Wrath bed stabbing from the Fellowship of the Ring. But just before they hit their mark they discover it to not be a monster, but something much, much, much worse. A women =O. Due to crazy fairy tail logic the dwarfs think that a women is better than a monster so don't kill her. Weird.

Once awake Snow White part takes in the naming game. Pointing out Doc first. Not the dopey looking one, or the sleeping looking one, or the grumpy looking on, Doc? Man she's good.

The middle of the film is not that interesting. Its just showing Snow White and the seven dwarfs getting to know each other through Snow White ordering them around and them singing and dancing. At the end of the scene there's about five minutes of footage just showing the dwarfs sleeping in awkward postions because Snow Whites stolen their beds. The amazing thing though is that its quite entertaining despite nothing really happening.

Finally the plot does catch up with us, as the queen finds out she's been dupped by the woods man and goes about planning how to kill her. Does she send the guards after her? Take up a sword or bow herself? No. She uses magic to disguise herself as an old hag and makes a poisonous apple that can be cured by loves first kiss (those who've already had it are damned). Why not lace it with arsenic? Or swords? Surely actually killing her, instead of magically putting her in a state of sleep would be better? And simpler. No? Still going with the flawed poison apple plan? Fine, so be it. But don't come crying to me when it back fires.

So with the evil, magical queen after Snow White you'd think the dwarfs would stay home and guard her, right? Nope, they go off to mine for diamonds. Seriously guys, can't you take time off to protect a damsel in distress? No? Fine, go do your pointless mining.

All alone Snow White bakes a gooseberry pie for grumpy. Hopefully the others will also get pie's and she isn't showing favouritism, but we'll never know as hag queen shows up at the window. Now having been told continuously not to trust anyone, nor to let anyone in the house, Snow White proceeds to consider buying an apple from the hag before inviting her in. She even ignores the vicious attack from the small woodland creatures on the hag. Where's the justice in that? The woodland critters have pretty much saved Snow Whites life, helped her clean and bake, but Snow White still trusts an old hag over them. No manners.

Being smarter than Snow White, the woodland creatures know the hag isn't what she appears and as such run to get the dwarfs. Its saying something when woodland creatures, are smarter than you. Anyway, next we par take in an epic race against time. Will the dwarfs make it in time to save Snow White? No. No they wont. However they are in time to chase the evil queen, who decides a cliff is a safe place to run. Now I understand why Snow White's a moron, when this is your role model (due to all the other women being dead) your going to end up stupid.

Thankfully though God's had enough of her shit and lightnings her off the cliff. Yay! Now, we don't get to see a dead body, but we do get the disterbing imagery of vulters circling after her. Probably creepier than seeing the actual dead body.

Due to the guilt they felt for going mining instead of staying home
and protecting th dumb demsel.

We then get some text bridging the gaps. Though I have a problem with it. In the first set of text it implies that the dwarves think she's dead, but then in the last it says how the prince charming hears about a sleeping maiden in a glass coffin, so goes to her. But why doesshe think she's sleeping when the only people who know about her think she's dead? Slopping writing Walt, sloppy.

So of course Prince Charming finds the coffin, kisses Snow White, brings her back to life and
everyone lives happily ever after.

What should we take from this movie? Being beautiful is hard, trust in the kindness of abnormally small people, don't take apples from strangers (only sweets) and women are easier when their sleeping.

Snow White isn't an epic tale, not by a long shot. Its plot is extremely simple and the majority of its taken up by singing and scenes of dwarves pissing about. However, it doesn't need epic plot, masterful character development, amazing action scenes or awinspiring special effects. Nope it just needs its charm and adorable little woodland creatures ^_^. Overall Snow White is a lovely story, brilliantly presented by the Disney.

Score: 3/5

Authors note: This was going to have a lot more screen caps, but putting images in a blog post is a bitch. Seriously, for something so simple blogspots made it pretty annoying. So I apologies for the long, unbroken by humorous pictures and captions. Its also the reason why this has been in my drafts, and not posted, for so long.

Also instead of going along cronologically I've decided that I'm going to do a comparison battle-esq kind of thing. So my next movie I'll review the first Disney Pixar film and then do a comparison of the two and say which one wins. So next time I'll be watching Toy Story. Fuckin' awsome!

After posting Authors note: For fucks sake! I'd ordered the pictures to be all nice and arranged, but there's no actual room so I've got to re-do the images >_>. Diddums to me.

Thursday, 30 April 2009

Who will watch the nerds?

Ok, this I have to share; Nerds running around America trying to be "super"heroes.

Seriously, there is a whole "registry" web site for these people: World Superhero Registry. Give it a read because the exerts the have from their blogs are hilarious. For example:

"I am Nostrum and I am a protector of the people. When night comes, I don my uniform and work to keep society's virtues and morals in place by doing all I can to stop crime, corruption, and chaos. I am a firm believer in Moral Absolutism and will fight for the greater good of society as I have done in secret for several years now. You know I exist, you know who I am, so know if you step foot on my streets I will be watching you. "

But its not only America, but also Italy:

" A stylized SIGMA is my symbol. SIGMA, because I sum up all the powerful, silent and venomous small creatures inhabiting this world. SIGMA, because I'm a synthesis, the human-like swansong of millions of races. I employ my faculties in saving what is left to save and destroying what doesn't fit in the bigger scheme of equilibrium. I strike the right web lines in people's minds, infusing morality into the body of corruption. From investigation to crime fighting to activism, I stand for the biggest conundrum of the known universe: balance between enthalpy and entropy. To be a Real Life Superhero is truly the greatest deed a man can accomplish in a backwards world like this, where fiction is truer to reality than reality itself. On the other hand, the chance to fight for such a stunning planet is too significant to be turned down. Hear my buzz, fear my bite: I inject justice. "

And the United Kingdoms (seriously, they actually call it United Kingdoms O_o.)

"Angle-grinder Man patrols by night looking for unhappy drivers who have been clamped and then sets their cars free. An odd-job man by day, he operates in Kent during the week and in London on weekends. He decided to go "full-time vigilante" in May this year."

Yeah ... We get some dude dressing up to unclamp cars ¬_¬, justice for all indeed. But don't fear! Cause inWhitley there's a dynamic duo dressing up as Batman and Robin to help "stranded motorists and light crime fighting." Light crime fighting? Is that like Light Mayonaise? They only fight criminals with 5% less fat?

I like how in their profiles they all have a part to declare their arch enemies. Who ever this "None" person is must be a badass, cause he's the arch enemy of all of them! Except Tothian, who's arch enemies are;
Omar Al-Bashir, Osama Bin Laden. Yes ladies and gentlemen the American government is FINALLY sending superheroes to find Bin Laden. You go Tothian! I also like how Tothian's identity is stated as "secret" yet his picture shows him without a mask.

Unfortunatly these people aren't millionaire play boys who have martial arts training, cool gadgets or a super powerful metal suit that can fly. No these a normal ... "normal" people who are dressing up in really bad costumes and fighting crime, The Watchmen style. Though with less class. And effectiveness.

So what does this all mean? You CAN be a masked vigilanty. But, for the love of God, either a) get super powers or b) make a good costume first.

" Although it may be tempting to pursue petty criminals due to the ease with which they can be found, in many cases it does not truly serve the cause of justice, nor is it worth the risk."

P.S. Blogger sucks so doesn't except that I've actually changed the fonts. Bah.

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Naming and Shaming.

Doing a top 10 got me thinking about a bottom 10. After thinking of a bottom 10 and coming up with contenders I decided to put them in a nice little order and as such here are my bottom 10 video games I've ever played.

#10 - The Fifa franchise.
Developers: EA Sports
Platforms: Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360, PS3, PS2, PSP, Mobile Phone, Nintendo DS and Wii
Release date: Annually, 1993-present.

Now knowing that I play, and enjoy playing, Fifa you mgiht be wondering why I've put them at number 10 of my bottom 10. Well its simply because they never get it right! Year after year people fork out ANOTHER £30 for a game, hoping that this year will be the year that EA bring out the sports game of all sports game. They never do.

For everything they do well, they decide to do something bad. The closest they've ever came to a perfect Fifa game is Fifa'08 on the PS2. The controls were improved, the games flowed better, they introduced two new modes: Area play and Be a pro. Area play was you picked an area (e.g. Striker, midfield) and you could only control players from that postion. Including goalkeeper =D. You see Fifa'08 for the PS2 had keeper controls ^_^. Unfortunatly you couldn't be a keeper in be a pro, where you either chose an existing player, or made a player, and had control of just them.

I was happy, however, after my PS2 dying and getting an XBOX360, my happiness went away. All the good that was done in the PS2 game was stripped from the 360 version. Well they still had the improved controls but the extra modes, the keeper controls and even the changing weather was taken away. In its place we got improved graphics and a much improved leveling system. I miss the keeper controls =(.

Unfortunatly there's still no chaning weather (nor a change of ngiht and day) nor keeper controls for fifa'09. I'm expectent on fifa'10. Yes, yes I will be buying fifa'10, because while they screw me over yera after year they are still enjoyable to play. Fuck you EA.

#9 - House of the Dead 2
Developers: Wow entertainment
Platform: Arcade, PC, Dreamcast, Wii, Xbox
Release date: September 9, 1999.

House of the dead is your run of the mill rail shooter, zombie apocolypse game. It does nothing great, it does nothing bad, its a very average game. SO why is it number 9? Because when I was younger I was forced to sit through my friends playing this game over and over and over and over and over and over again. Wankers.

Technically its not House of the Dead 2's fault, but I justify it by if it had been interesting it would have been so bad. So how can people play this game as much as they did? I think my wanker's comment sums that up. Seriously, Sam asked a friend round his from school who lived in Tavistock round his. When they started up House of the Dead 2 I left immediatly, playing football with the neighbourhood kids. Several hours later I see them walking past, Sam's friend from school looking extremely pissed off due to them having just played House of the Dead over and over and over and over again.

Unfortunatly the game can't take the full blame, it just made wankers even worse wankers. Though I shouldn't be too hard on it I suppose, it was made into a Uwe Boll movie, and nothing deserves to be made into a Uwe Boll movie. Nothing!

(Just listen to the shit voice acting!)

#8 - Kingdom Hearts
Developers: Square
Platform: Playstation 2
Release date: November 15, 2002

Kingdom Hearts is a game collaberation between Square and Disney. Yep, a games developer specialising in RPG's with complex plots about death, love and identity teams up with Disney, the biggest cartoon movie corporation that specialise in movies for kids dealing with death, love and identity. Match made in heaven =D.

At first I thought this was a bad idea. However after seeing a little kid with hair Dragonball Z characters dream about having a fight with Cloud from FF7, a very bad at taunting Cloud from FF7 I may add, I went out and bought it!

At first I thought I had harshly judged this game. It looked good and I got to see the Final Fantasy characters in new attire ... And thats about it.

The games about a kid called Sora, who has hair Dragonball Z characters would be jealous of that lives on a tiny island without parents. There he lives with his friends Riku and Kairi. Also living on the island is Wakka and Tidus from FF10 and Selphie from FF8. Now I can understand Wakka and Tidús living on an island with lots of beaches due to their blitz balling and the fact Wakka lives in Besaid. But why Selphie? Did they just think "This islands a sausage fest we need more females! Anyone with context? No? How about Selphie then?" However after completing the tutorial stage the island is blown up by the "heartless" and Sore is left drifting in space. You'd think the vaccum of space would kill him, but Sora recovers and finds himself in Traverse Town, meets up wiht Donald Duck and Goofy, and they decide to go out into the Disney 'verse to find Riku, Kairi and Mickey Mouse, who has ran away to destroy the heartless.

And here's where the problems start, you just go from Disney world to Disney world smashing the x button, now and again having to do something else to solve some sort of puzzle. This got pretty boring relatively quickly and once the novalty of the game wore off what was left was a pretty bland action RPG that I got bored of pretty easily.

Kingdom Hearts did however have a lot of famous faces doing the voices with Sora being played by Haley Joel Osmand (the kid from 6th Sense). David Borenaz as Squall was also pretty awsome. It also has Hayden Panettiere, before she was in Heroes, playing Kairi. Along with a lot of the Disney voice actors reclaiming their roles it was a pretty solid, and nostalgic, voice acting crew.

#7 - Diddy Kong Racing.
Developers: Rareware
Platform: Nintendo 64
Release date: November 21, 1997

What happens when you combine a side kick with Mario kart? You get Diddy kong Racing, a curious game that seems to try an emulate Mario Kart but at the same time improve on the already tried and tested forumula. So what went wrong?

The first thing that people will notice about Mario Kart is that its characters from the Mario franchise racing each other. In Kart. So perhaps Diddy kong racing is characters from the Donkey Kong franchise? Nope. Just Diddy Kong and a bunch of ... things that have never been in any game ever, and never has been since. Thankfully (except Banzoo Kazooy and Conker. But they don't count).This leaves a Mario Kart game without any of the charm or coolness of Mario Kart. Great.

Unfortunately thats not the only thing wrong with it. No Rareware decided the way to improve Mario Kart was to have boss races. Those of you who have played Guitar Hero 3 will know that boss stages in a type of game where boss stages don't work just make the game less fun and mroe tedious. Thats no different to this game. You have a one on one with a boss in a fight that if you make a single mistake you wont be able to win. No questions about it. Only way to win is to start again. This is not fun, its annoying and frustrating.

But are the races fun? Meh, your better off playing Mario 64.

#6 - DBZ: Ultimate Battle 22
Developers: A group of people who suck!
Platform: Playstation
Release date: July, 1996

Dragonball Z: Ultimate Battle 22 is basically the worst fighting game you play. It looks bad (apparently has sprites taken from a previous game), plays atrociously and is nothing special. The only reason this isn't higher is because I played it twice and gave up on it. It really is bad. Thats all I have to say about this game.

#5 - Michael Jackson's Moonwalker
Developers: Sega
Platform: Megadrive
Release date: August 26, 1990

Micheal Jackson's Moonwalker is a crappy game, based on an even crapper movie, named after an awsome dance move that everyone in the 80's and 90's tried to emulate.

Like the movie the game doesn't seem to have any actual plot. You just take Michael Jackson through various levels, while wearing his suit from the 'Smooth Criminal' music video, kicking guys in suits, throwing your hat at guys at suits and occasionally dancing with guys in suits then killing them by grabbing your crotch. And everytime you attack someone Michael Jackson will shout out "Wooo". This might seem funny but when you think that the level is rife with bad guys, this gets annoying veeeeeeeeeeeeeery quickly.

What I remember of the game it was a cash in from the movie, and just stank of gimmicks. But what you going to expect from a game the revolves around a pop singer. You pull off trade mark dance moves, listen to bad midi versions of Jackson's music and get to watch him grab his crotch around small children.

I never actually owned this game, one of my friends had it when we were kids and we played it one rainy day while I had a bad cold. I remember this because his parents smoked a lot which made me even worse. We never played it after that day, possibly because it was rented or possibly because it sucked. Hard.

#4 - World of Warcraft.
Developers: Blizzard Entertainment
Platform: PC and Mac. Though I think you can only download the Mac version.
Release date: Febuary 11, 2005.

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah. World of Warcraft. The game that has enslaved many a geek is in my bottom 10. One of the reasons being that is had enslaved so many people and I can't figure out why.

You pick a race out of Human, Dwarf, Night Elf, Gnome, Ork, Undead, Troll or Tauren all having their own pool of classes to choose from. You then go out and press some number on your keyboard till things are dead.

Your quest for greatness is disctated by those around you giving you odd jobs such as "kill birds to get 10 feathers so I can make a nice comfy pillow" (note: This may or may not be a quest in World of Warcraft). Though you will eventually get more exciting quests like Killing large cats for its meat, occasionally you will also have to beat up a bunch of semi intellectual minions because your race has decided they are evil.

Though these things aren't the main thing wrong with World of Warcraft. no the worst thing is the falso sense of achievement it gives you. Your mosseying along the world of Lordaeron or Khaz Modan, killing things, completing quests, getting stronger and your there thinking "Yeah level 16! I can now do mroe quests! I can finally turn into a water creature so I can breath underwater and get a new weapon ^_^" and then you realise your paying £8 a month so you can achieve what amounts to nothing. Absolutly nothing. Not even the sense of accomplishment because nothing you do will impact the world! If you were to go back to the starting village and talk to the leader he'll still have a problem with goblins over populating the country side and killing travellers. Unlike offline games where you go through and actually make your mark on the land, in World of Warcraft everything will stay the same. The only one that changes is your weapons and armour.

It'd be alright if I wasn't paying £8 a month to achieve nothing but geek pride, but I'm not. So I said good-bye and I will never play it again. But thats the problem with online gaming, if your not a boring, lifeless nerd who would rather live out the escapes as Gakhath the Ork Shamen and finds the achievements satisfying, your not really going to find anything in the game. The only time I truely had fun with a mmorpg was FFXI when me, Leigh, Marc and Pete basically played the game our way and just had a laugh. Soon as you start playing these games the way their meant to be played they become a second job, or even a second life. And I don't need that, and neither do you!

#3 - Fable 2
Developers: Lionhead Studios
Platform: XBOX 360
Release date: Octobre 24, 2008.

I never played the original Fable but what I knew about it was that you roamed around a fantasy world, beating the crap out of who you like while trying to defeat some evil but shagging people along the way. Also your actions would be taken day and used as evidence against you to determine if you were good or evil.

Intrigued I decided to go out and buy Fable 2 to see what who I'd beat up, who I'd shag and where I'd end up in the good and evil scale. As it happened I ended up being bored and disappointed.

The game harpers on about giving you choice and that it is you who determines the adventure and the first choice it gives you is method of combat. Do you melee, soot or magic your way through the game? I chose to shoot my way through and it ended up I was a fool. The problem with shooting is that while it'll get rid of the hordes of expendible minions litering the country side, it doesn't work on bosses. You see if you shoot a boss they'll force lightning your ass! Making it redendent when you truely need it! Thankfully you'll get so many experience orbs that you'll be forced into spending them else where by the game continuously nagging at you about it.

Redendent choices are the key content of Fable 2 as everything that you can do is pretty much pointless and just filler material. Being a fan of the animé Naruto I've had all I can take with filler, so I don't take too kindly to it when its infected my video games aswell.

Two of the biggest time wastes and fillers are relationships and jobs. At one point in the game you'll get a quest from a ghost to chat up his ex-fiancé, who dumped him, until she falls in love with you, then when she's all happy you give her a letter from her ex-lover and laugh in her face as you reveal it was all a ruse and you think she's ugly! However after wooing her she told me a different story to the ghost. She told me how she had called off the marriage cause she felt they were too young. The ghost took this like a little emo kid and commited suicide. So going against the emo's wishes I got married. After this all she did was nag me about buying a house. This emant getting a job.

Now the problem with jobs is that they are so extremelt boring. There just little mini games where you press a when a circle is in an area of colour. Thats all. The higher combo's the mroe money you get. I did this while lsitening to Mumbo Jumbo with Matt and Chris one night and finally got the btich somewhere to live! Then she started on about a family so I decided to try and get her to have sex with me, however this was easier said than done as I didn't have the write emote to get her in the sack. *sigh* so I had to learn how to woo people to bed from a book. After that we had two children ... And thats it. I did all that for ... nothing.

Though it did lead to the funneist and most disterbing moment of the game where I noticed a monk that I had spent sometime talking to had fallen in love with me. Deciding to see if homosexuality was aloud I asked him back to my farm hosue for sex. After the blank screen and disterbing commentry on the sex from the monk I was brough back to the game and "+22" happiness rising from my childrens cots. Yes cheating on their mother with a man made my children very happy.

So the choices that can be made aren't worth making, but what about the plot? Is that good? Well your mision is to find 4 people that can help you destroy some dude that killed your sister and tried to kill you when you were a kid. I think he was trying to destroy the world or something. Though he had errected a massive tower that you get yourself imprisoned in to save Shepard Book. Seriously Shepard Books in the game. Even has the hair style he has in 'Serenity'. Thats all I know about the plot because soon after getting free from the spire with Book, my wife divorced me and I stopped playing. Just the boring combat and lacking plot made it seem pointless.

Another thing about the boring combat is how you can't die. Well you do but you get a few experience orbs sucked out of you and a scar, then your back on your feat kicking ass. This meant I spent the whole game in my boxers (except when they forced me to wear clothes while being a prison guard in the big spire. They also cut my hair, the bastards!) and only died a couple of times. Ones because I shot a boss and he force lightninged the bezeebus out of me.

The "bread crumb" feature also makes the game feel abit linear. The idea is to lead you to your quest points but that kinda takes any sort of adventuring out of the game as you just follow the flowing trail. If you don't follow the trail it'll keep changing what path it takes as it tries to force you onto your quest.

Overall the games boring filled with what amounts to filler. Even the shooting option is filler as magic and melee is so much more beneficial.

Also after playing the game, all the toil and strife, this is how you beat the final boss:

#2 - All the Wrestling games I've been made to play.
Developers: Lots
Platform: Multiple
Release date: The fact they were released makes me cry.

Wrestling sucks. Its a bunch of grown men in spandex acting out pre determined fights for the entertainment of sad, sad people. So a game based on this principle can't be good right? Right.

As you might have guess wrestling games are just fighting games, just much slower and much longer. In a stunning twist of fate the matches all take place in a wrestling ring. The same wrestling ring. Now and again with a cage around it, sometimes with a ladder in the middle, but always the same ring. The repetitiveness cannot be better embodied than with the ring.

So you fight as a selection of steroid built wrestlers (they might be able to kick the shit out of you but their testicles are the size of peanuts!) and have them fight other steroid users veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery slowly. Seriously controlling them's like trying to controll an 18 wheeler with hippies tied to the tires. Fat hippies. And you just slap them until you think they've been slapped enough to be pinned. Sometimes you kick, other times you fling yourself from the ring ropes, other times you use the worst finishing moves ever.

Street fighting had Ryu's Hadoken. In Mortal Kombat you pulled the spin from your oppenents body. Hell even DBZ: Ultimate Battle 22 had you being able to blast your oppenents with energy beams. Here you have the peoples elbow. A move where the Rock takes off his elbow bad, looks around for a bit, runs to the ropes, bounces off to the other side, then while he passes his oppenent, who has stayed down due to suffering from Power Rangers bad guy syndrome, and he basically does an elbow drop on their head. WHY NOT JUST FUCKING DO AN ELBOW DROP? THE RUNNING DID NOTHING TO THE MOMENTUM OF THE ACTUAL ELBOW DROP! GOD DAMMIT!

Ehem. Sorry. But seriously the finishing moves suck. Though they do make you more prone to being pinned/knocked out. And god you'll want to all the advantage you can get, cause ti takes forever to finish these games! Fighting games know they can get repetitive, so the life bars aren't that long and you can finish a game easily enough. Wrestling games forget this principle and it can take you forever to get the pin. A single game can take over 10 minutes. 10 minutes of wreslting. God damn those were long, boring 10 minutes.

I hate Wreslting.

And the number 1 spot is ..........


Developer: SquareEnix
Platform: Playstation 2
Release date: Febuary 23, 2007

SquareEnix last release in the numbered series of Final Fantasy is also their most disappointing to date. Forget FFX-2 or FFXI, THIS is the pinnicle in bad Final Fantasying. But what makes this game so disappointing?

First it took almsot a full year between being released in Japan and releasing the pal version. So I spent a year reading shinning reviews, seeing perfect scores and hearing glowing opinions of the game. The game that I played embodied none of this. Though I am seeing a pattern in games getting perfect scores from "professional" reviewers and their actual worth.

apparently the story goes that two different teams were brought in to develop the game. One team was the original team who worked on the spin off Final Fantasy Tactics (a game hailed itself) and a team that worked on the final Fantasy numbered series. This, apparently, ended in some disagreements on how the story and characters were to be developed, in the end a comprimises were made.

Then you also have the fact that producer AND director of the game (also creator of tactics) had to pull out midway through for health reasons. SquareEnix then got two guys in to replace his director duties and a third dude to become executive producer (the guy created SaGa. Never heard of it? There's a reason), along with the SquareEnix president. Phew, four guys to replace one? A saying about chefs and broth comes to mind.

So the development team was a bit chaotic. And personally I think it shows. Mostly in the characters. There are characters in this game with so little motivation, or purpose that you could replace them with cactus plants, and you'd get about the same game as you get with them in. Then you have the characters with purpose having so little characterisation they end up having the personalities of used chewing gum, stuck on the underside of a table. Generally their unlikable, boring or pointless. Great cast of characters.

Then you have the plot. Its like they've taken a clichéd RPG plot and then taken out anything that makes it interesting, special or enjoyable and left us with the bare bones. People are calling it "more mature" because its "political" ... So an empire taking over another empire is all thats needed for something to be "political"? THAT HAPPENS IN 99% OF FINAL FANTASY'S YOU MORON! Seriously it happens like 20 times in FFVI alone! This plot isn't more "mature" or "political" it just no fun.

In a startling turn of events I'm NOT going to diss on the battle system. Its not a bad system. The enemies being on a free roaming map is a good thing. Sure it gets boring with the gambits, and you feel that your other characters are just supporting characters and not actually part of your party, but they've made steps in the right direction. You could easily be happy with the battle system if it had an interesting plot and characters. As it is it doesn't and as such the boring parts of the battle system are more seeable.

The licience board on the other hand isn't a good system. Its along the similiar veins of FFX's sphere grid, just more boring. Sure you can't see a board piece without purchasing a piece next to it, but why do you need to? You'll have bought all the magic and abilities you need WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY before you need them, so you mgiht as well just purchase things hap-hazardly.

Also why are outlaws worried about licences? Do i have to flash the licence to the vendors before purchase? Will I be stopped on the street and arrested if I don't have the licence to wear a leather vest? Does everyone have to have a licence for their clothes? Am I taking the word "licence" too seriously? Either way its a silly concept.

Another niggling little problem, that in a better game might not niggle so much, is the gulf in level enemies and bosses. You can be pawning the enemies up and down the field, but come to a boss and they will eat you with a single bite. No competition. Bosses are supposed to be difficult, why their called bosses, but when I have to do an obscure side quest in order to do a decent amount of damage to an enemy, only people weilding long ranged weapons are able to hit consistantly, you know you've over done it. If you feel the need to add in side quests to make a boss easier its either a special boss or you've fucked up. If a manditory boss needs a side quest in order for you to beat it your a cock. A giant cock.

The last thing I'm going to complain about is the music. First Final Fantasy without Nobou Uematsu and it sucks. Though it does follow the general theme of the game; boring, bland and not as good as previous Final Fantasy's. Consistancy! Except the theme tune, "Kiss Me Goodbye". I like that song.

So overall the game was over hyped, over rated, boring, and a massive disappointment to everyone except most people ... Yeah I'm pretty sure America and Japan got a different game to us. No one could call the characters good, or the story interesting without a labotony or by talking about a different game.

Friday, 17 April 2009

Top of the pops 2

And here I am again to give you my top 5 favourite video games of all time! This time you'll probably agree more with me.

#5 - Mario kart. All of them.
Developer: Nintendo EAD and Intellegent systems.
Platforms: SNES, N64, Gameboy Advanced, Gameboy DS, Nintendo WII
Release dates: 1992, 1996, 2001, 2003, 2005 and 2008.

By all of them I mean all of them on a home console, none of this arcade shit.

I have played these games since the beginning, and I've been loving them since!

Back in the day you didn't have gothem racing, Grand Terismo or Burn Out, no all we had was mario kart, F zero and Micro machines for a good racing game. As fun as micro machines was and as fast as F Zero was they didn't have princess Peach throwing a red homing shell at Bowser.

Lets just think about that for a moment. A Princess throwing a red turtle shell, thats homing, at Bowser, a giant fire breathing demon Kooper (seriously, the original Japanese name is great demon king Koopa), and your in karts! Thats just the most absurd thing I've ever written, and yet its been put so far into our conscious that we don't actually realise how stupid all this sounds. But damn are these fun games!

Not only are these games fun, but there also extremely frustraiting. You might think you've mastered these games, you think you can win everytime, you think you have the skills, but no! Mario Kart doesn't like you having skills or being good at it. The moment it senses your getting a bit too big BOOM, red shell! And if your hoping for a red shell while in 2nd place forget it, there's more chance of you ending up 6. And they've only got more unfair as they've progressed with the introduction of the blue shell, and bullet bill. Its almost suggested you spend the majority of the games in last.

But thats where the fun lies, not actually knowing if today will be your lucky day. And when relying on luck you know that 9/10 your fucked!

#4 - Pokémon Red & Blue (specifically blue)
Developer: Gamefreaks
Platform: Gameboy
Release date: 1999

Fuck yeah! Pokémon! I totally beat the fad on this one. I was playing Pokémon way before the massive knew what a pikachu was back in '99. I discovered it while food shopping with my dad, while browsing the magazine section of Tesco's I came across one with a yellow mouse thing on the front. Intregued I decided to take a ganders inside. I didn't put it down the whole way round the super market and a few weeks later I had saved up enough money to buy it!

Pokémon's a game that combines my love of animals with my love of violence (and my love of capturing animals small enclosed spaces, also my love of pissing of PETA), the pokémon designs are pretty awsome and the fact I can cause a fissure in the ground to swallow up my enemies is fricken awsome!

I suppose the story line isn't exactly going to be getting any ... prizes for writing (I don't know what the award is for writing), you collect pokémon and foil team rocket from using pokémon for crime, but its captivating in its simplicity. The thing that'll keep bringing you back for more is a strange compulsion to do well, to collect pokémon, to beat the elite four and to name pokémon funny names.

#3 - Super Smash Brothers Melee.
Developers: HAL Laboratory
Platform: Nintendo Gamecube
Release date: May 24, 2002

It wasn't a matter of if but when for melee. I'm sure there was no doubt in any of your minds that it would be here and here it is at number 3.

Like Mario Kart, Melee has princess beacj battling it out with Bowser, this time litrally. Yes you get to litrally beat the shit out of nintendo characters. Its very satisfying to beat the shit out of Bowser with a baseball bat. Its very funny to see Princess Peach beating Mario with a golf club.

But the enjoyment of this game isn't just in the gimmick of it all, its generally a very entertaining game. Its essentially a fighting game, but good. You don't just stand a metre away from each other in a one on one fight, nor will you win by simply button mashing, yes this is a fighting game where you HAVE to do more than press left and right abit while just continuously pressing the punch button.

The vast levels means you have to leap voer obsticles and dodge bombs before you get into combat with your adversery, and then just simply pressing the same button probably wont get you far due to them being able to flee, so you'll generally get in a few good smacks before your opponent is across the other side of the map so you have to then think of a new strategy. Or is your Roy just press up and B =D.

And then there's the clincher, the money maker, the creme de le creme: 4 players playing at once! . Yes a fighting game with four players beating the shit out of each other at the same time! This means some of the msot fun chaos and mayhem will ensue! You think your going to go beat the shit out of Luigi, but no! Jiggly Puff rolly moves you into oblivion! Coupled with the levels hating you and wanting you to fair, continuously, you HAVE to be on your toes in this game or your 3 lives will be gone in no time.

Looking at a few videos on youtube I've been remembered that there IS a single player mode. But fuck the single player mode! Single player mode isn't what melee is for! Its for beating the shit out of nintendo characters being played by your friends! Which does mean that its pretty much a party game, but seeing as I never owned a gamecube and only played it with friends I don't give a shit =D.

The thing that makes melee better than the other two games is simple: Its pretty much as good as it can be! As Brawl shows adding things don't mean it'll be a better game. The things that were added in Brawl are mainly just a sprinkling of hun
dreds-and-thousands on an already delicious cake.

#2 - Chrono Trigger
Developer: Square
Platform: Super Nintendo, Nintendo DS
Release date: March 15, 1995.

Chrono Trigger is a game made by square, that follows the adventures of a mute boy names Crono 5 other cast members as they travel through time, putting right what once went wrong, hoping that the next leap will be the leap ... home. The fact I'm pretty sure thats not a bad over view of Chrono Trigger scares me slightly ...

Anyway the is basically a romp around time saving ... yourself mainly. And evenually the world as you take on a being known as Lavos that is being summoned in the past, which will change the future into a post apocolyptic waste land.

Chrono Trigger is a pretty damn amazing RPG, released in 1995 its sprites were amazing, the battle system is probably one of the best battle systems of any Square RPG, an extremely complex and amazing story, some pretty damn decent characters and a neat musical score.

So enjoyable is Chrono Trigger that you wont need to think about going through it again in plus mode (play from the start but your characters are all the same level as when you completed the game), you WILL go through it in plus mode!

Its hard to really say much about Chrono Trigger beyond its pretty much the pinicle of RPG gaming, but thats about it. ITs an excellent game. Plane and simple.


Final Fantasy IX(9)
Developers: Square
Platform: Playstation
Release date: Febuary 22, 2001

I don't think this'll come as a big surprise to people, but if it does; diddums.

Final Fantasy IX was the first fantasy Final Fantasy I had actually played, Final Fantasy VII being more of a sci-fi fantasy. And it was everything I wanted in my fantasy! Knights, swords, magic, kingdoms and airships made of wood! Sure some people would say there are better medevil RPG's out there, but none of them will bring on the sense of nostalgia quite like Final Fantasy IX. Just watching the intro clip gives me tingles.

Final Fantasy IX revolved around the exploits of a strange fellow named Zidane as he tries to stop the end of the world with a cast of outcasts (see what I did there?); A disgraced knight captain; a small boy without a face, just glory yellow eyes; a dragoon knight determind to only return home once she's strong enough; a young girl thats the last of her kind, a ... thing that ... wants to eat ... everything ... yeah; a bounty hunter that sucks and a young princess thrown into a war against her mother. And then there's Zidane, a teenager with a monkey tail and an ambiguous past.

The underlying theme of the game is identity, and this means that at some point all the characters have a part of the story inwhich you get to see their character grow. Except Quina ... Infact Quina largely stands outside of the events of the game. It's kinda like the last episode of season 4 of Buffy where they have freaky dreams and there's that cheese guy (I wear the cheese, it does not wear me), its apparently supposed to be just something random thrown in to break up the seriousness of the episode. Quina is Final Fantasy IX's cheese guy. Square obviously felt that the game ended up being too serious, so decided to through in Quina to bring up the drama. And it fricken works! I mean look at it:
Thats enough to break you out of a coma, let alone drama! Quina and Eiko aside, Final Fantasy IX has a great cast of characters.

The story and the characters pull you into the game and then its backed up with a pretty simple battle and leveling systems that are fun enough to not get annoying but also not too difficult, or tedious to be frustraiting (like having to buy the licence for weaponry and magic THEN buy it!) letting you to just enjoy the game.

While I do believe Final Fantasy to be one of the best games I've played, its definatly one of the most nostalgic. Which I take as a sign that I've enjoyed it the most. I also believe the 1st disc of Final Fantasy to be the single best moment of gaming I've ever played. I simply love it. Sure it kinda gets a bit silly near and rushed at the end, but the fact I've had so much fun in the first disc means I forgive it for any and all flaws. Even Quina.

Of course there's also the strawberry on the top of the sundae: It has the best music in any game ever!

And there we go. My top 10 of gaming. Screw you if you disagree!

"I have a favour to ask of you. I wish to be kidnapped... right away!" - Garnet
"I shall hereby do my best to kidnap you!" - Zidane

Monday, 13 April 2009

Top of the pops.

I've randomly thought and then made a list of my top 10 video games. Because I'm a sharer I thought I'd let everyone else know about them ^_^.

Before I start a small disclaimer: You probably wont agree with me ever but I don't care =P.

The games have been marked on nostalgia and how much freakin' fun I had playing them, such things as graphics and how they revolutionised the gaming industry have not been considered for one moment.

#10: Sonic Chaos.
Developer: Aspect
Platform: Sega Master System
Date of Realease: Octobre 25, 1993 (Coopers 7th birthday!)

Forget all the other sonic games, sonic chaos was totally the best! Mainly cause you could play as Sonic OR Tails! Not only was Tails a playable characters but he was actually better than Sonic! Yes, Tails was compitent once!

Sonic Chaos is your basic classic Sonic side scrolling platform game ... just you could choose your character. I think the choice is basically easy and hard, with Sonics lack of flight ability making him slightly harder. I say slightly cause I could get to the final boss with Sonic but not actually beat Robotnik, whilc I could actually complete it with Tails.

And thats probably the real reason this is my favourite Sonic game, its the only one I've ever completed =(. I almost completed Sonic Adventure for the Dreamcast but once again I couldn't beat Robotnik with Sonic. I don't think me and Sonic get along very well.

#9: Grand Theft Auto 3
Developers: Rock Star North
Publisher: Playstation 2
Date of Release: Octobre 10, 2001

For alot of people GTA: IV was the best game of 2008 and less would probably call it their favourite game ever but for me the best GTA is the 3rd installment. It has all the fun of shooting a street of people, running down old ladies and fleeing from the cops just without all the nonsense busy work of taking your girlfriend on dates or faking an interest in your cousins life.

GTA III was the first game I got with my PS2 for my 15th birthday (Notice how I haven't shot up a school or shopping centre!) and for that winter I pretty much only played this game, even when I completed it. I just got the cheat to give everyone guns (including rocket launchers) and tried to survive as long as I could. Though I wasn't happy that the police still went after me even though there was a street of people trying to kill me! I was defending myself!

GTA III was an extremely fun and violent game, unfortunatley I pretty much played it to death so its predecessors will never be as fun or exciting as III. I'm also no longer a 15 year old boy and like to think I've developed beyond the need for running over old women, shooting innocent people and running from cops. I just catch small creatures in balls instead.

#8: Aliens versus Predator
Developers: Rebellion Development
Platform: PC/Macintosh
Date of Release: 1999

Aliens? Fucking awsome! Predators? Fuckin' awsome! Colonial Marines: Fuckin' awsome! A game where you can play as either aliens, predators or colonial marines and shoot shit up? Holy fuckin shit! How can this possibly not be awsome?! Well the answer to that is simple, have it set in modern day and at the antarctic and have a moment where the predator looks like its about to make out with a human women. Oh and make sure you can't see any of the action. Thank fuck this game is none of that!

This game is pure awsome! And not only did it have the ability to do internet multiplayer but its single player was actually awsome. Infact the single player is whats endered this game to my heart, it was fun, exciting and actually scary at times, especially when your a colonial marine. Being in pitch black having your motion sensor go crazy, however you can't actually see anything then BAM! You see something sticking out of the wall and fire a whole clip into untill you realise its just a pipe ¬_¬. You laugh at yourself, continue you on your way, your gaurd now down and WHAM 4 fuckin' aliens sprinting down the walls at you! I believe AVP's the only game where I've actually jump at.

Other than the heart attack inducing colonial marine levels my favourite species to be was the Predator. They had the most awsome weapons. Dart gun, shoulder cannon and my personal favourite the little flying disc. Aw so many nights before 6 o'clock and being able to go online for free was spent on that game.

Once me and Marc did actually play the multiplayer, if that game came out today with broadbanned internet it would be the greatest game ever.

#7: Golden Eye/Halo: Combat Evolved
Developers: Rareware/Bungie Studios
Publisher: Nintendo 64/Xbox
Date of release: August 25, 1997/March 14, 2002

While making my list I ouldn't decide which of these two games I liked the most so I just put them in the same spot, why make a decision when I can have both? "Why not have them both in seperate spots?" I hear you think, simply because I like them for the same reasons so it seemed silly to give them seperate spots.

So whats so good about these games? Multiplayer shoot 'em ups =D. These games are pretty damn fun and its not because you can go through the Golden Eye movie or find out why your playing some dude called Master Chief, that shit didn't matter when you could shoot and karate chop the shit out of your friends!

Golden Eye was pretty much the first shooter of its kind (well maybe Turok but that game sucked massive balls, even if you could be a "veloceraptor") where you can use the N64's FOUR controller spots! Seriously 4! Something some modern games need to remember *cough*Left 4 dead*cough*.

For a good year this was THE game me and my friends played. I don't think it was ever actually replaced, sure we played games after but none of them were as fun. It wasn't untill Time Splitters 2 years later I'd find a game as fun as Golden Eye.

As with Golden Eye Halo has given myself hours of multiplayer fun. The hours we've spent on that game is attrocious. I mean how long did we spend trying to get on top of Sidewinder so we could race around? But someone would get impatient and trigger happy just as the last person was getting up so we'd have to wait even longer? I don't think killing my friends virtual representations has ever been so fun ^_^.

The problem with Halo is possibly that people thought it was too good, and like with Final Fantay VIII following VII, Bungie had to make it better. And failed. Twice. I personally think the failures of Halo 2 and 3 was because they changed the pistol. Oh how I love that pistol, never before nor after have I head shot so many people.

After writing this I think Halo was actually a better game the Golden Eye and I probably had more fun with it but I've written it all now so I can't be assed to change things.

I didn't realse Halo 1 was actually called combat evolved till now. Personally I don't disagree with the title.

#6: Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden coins/Super Mario RPG: Legend of the 7 stars
Developers: Nintendo R&D1/Square
Platform: Game Boy/Super Nintendo
Date of Release: January 28, 1993/Never came out in Europe so I actually played it on an emulator, but it came out in Japan: March 9, 1996

Its my list and I can be indesicive if I want.

These are probably the two most under rated, and most unknown of the Mario games. But I love them!

I actually played coins off and on for about 2 years and was my only form of entertainment during a holiday to Majorca and it even got x-rayed in the airport x-ray machine, so its a pretty nostalgic game for me, but its also pretty damn awsome!

Back in the day, before Mario decided to play sports with his arch enemies, the hand held Mario games deviated from the norm by not having Mario fight Bowser =O, shocking I know. In the first Game boy game he was against Tatanga, who thankfully never returns, who's kidnapped Princess Daisy, who unfortunatley did return >_>. 6 coins wasn't without its crimes against gaming though. 6 coins introduced Wario to the gaming public V_V.

In 6 coins Wario, in another shocking twist, HASN'T kidnapped a Princess. Instead he's taken over Mario Land (yes apparently Mario has a land named after him) and renamed it ... Wario Land! Mwahahahaha! The idea is to go to 6 different areas within Wario land, go through them, beat the boss, get a coin that will fly off to the castle. Collect all 6 coins and you get a mystery surprise =D ... No wait you just get access to the castle and get to beat Wario.

The game play is basic classic platforming, but the areas you went to were pretty cool, like the space level. Which was freakin hard! Not only did you float around in zero gravity but the screen was moving pretty fast and was trying to skewer you on the jaggid moon surface! I think the boss in this level was actually supposed to be Tatanga, who was actually a bitch. This is also the game where bunny ears originated I believe.

The worst thing about this game is that when you ran out of lives all the coins you had collected were lost and you had to start all over again >_>. This was the first Mario game I completed.

I seem to like Mario games that break convention becaus Legend of the 7 stars breaks all Mario conventions! This is a Mario RPG that has Mario teaming up with Princess Peach, Bowser and some other characters you wont have heard of, nor will you ever need to because they are too awsome to ever appear again!

Originally the game looks to take the normal Bowser steals Princess and you have to get her back in the hope of sex, but it soon goes off the beaten track when a sword skewers Bowsers castle sending you flying. You then have to find the Princess and discover the mystery behind the giant sword. Turns out its a gang named "The Smithy gang" and their leaders a giant hammer or something. There's also some shit about a star rod that needs fixing. This game has some of the funniest moments in Mario history and the Axem rangers, what more can one need?

This game is super special awsome, you can tell how awsome it is by how it wasn't released in Europe untill 2008. So fricken awsome!

The youtube video of golden coins was extremely nostolgic. I'd also forgotten how retarded Wario looked in it. Fricken hilarious!

Its getting pretty late so I'm going to leave this for now. Tune in next time for my top 5 games evaaaaaar.

Song of the moment: Paramore - Decode

"Since you're here, maybe you could clear something up for me. My bride-to-be is chanting, 'MARIOHELPMEMARIOHELPMEMARIOHELPME'. Is she showing her happiness?" ~Booster ( Super Mario RPG)

Sunday, 4 January 2009

Rock around 2009!

Woooh! Another year over! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah! Or at least that what I think I'm supposed to be celebrating. I mean I cna't really celebrate 2009 yet it hasn't really happened ...

Anyway yes we are no long in the curvey 2008 but the less curvey 2009 and with that I think we should take a very quick glance over our shoulders, as we run hysterically away, of 2008.

Now 2008 wasn't a good year for ... well much. The banks went bust due to the U.S morgage trouble, the recession, Gordon Brown has a full year as British Prime Minister, We had the worst summer in everyone living memory, Many terrorist suicide/bombings killed hundreds, the Americans had another shit slinging match that they call a presidential election and the media scenes sucked. But lets not focus on the bad. No lets focus on some personal positives of 2008.

I finished uni, me and Natalie surprised Marc in stafford, dispite the shitty weather we still had a pretty neat summer (well me, Cooper, Natalie and Marc did.), Britian actually did well in the Olympics, Rock Band came out in England, I got a job to fund my addiction to toothpaste and hole punchers, Me, Carl and Natalie went to Bristol for Coopers 22nd, I turned 22 and we all love each other very much.

But 2008 is over now. Dumped like a 2nd hand needle. Its time to look onward and upward to the new comings of 2009. However due to not being fully psychic I can't actually tell you whats going to happen in 2009. But that doesn't matter 'cause instead let me tell what I hope to accomplish in 2009. Kinda like new years revolutions but more attainable and less bullshitting.

1. Play my drums more. Don't think I need to explain this one. Just like to play my drums more.
2. Participate in some more creative activities. I enjoy being creative but don't do it enough so this year I'd like to do some more writing, drawing and spriting.
3. Get better job. Cleanings fine if your over 50 but I'm 22 so I'd like something abit more stimulating with better hours and possibly better pay. But better hours that will accumulate better pay over a monthly period will be good enough.
4. With better job build Ducktails style vault and go money swimming. Only joking.
4. Use money from better job to move out. This one's slightly less controlled by me as for I'd rather move out with people rather than into my own flat. So everyone finish bloody uni and get a job already!
5. Learn to drive.
6. Own a car.
7. Enjoy life.

I think there 7 attainable goals. The first two are mainly based on my level of lazyness, but I feel I'm working towards the others. So wish me luck =D!

Song of the christmas period: Radiohead - Creep.

"I will not allow house prices to get out of control and put at risk the sustainability of the recovery."

"Under this Government, Britain will not return to the boom and bust of the past."

"So our approach is to reject the old vicious circle of the...the old boom and bust."

"As I have said before Mr Deputy Speaker: No return to boom and bust."

"And we will never return to the old boom and bust."

"I did maths for a year at university. I don't think I was very good at it. And some people would say it shows."

- Gordon Brown.

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

This'll be short, but not for Marc.

This'll be short because this report of D+D (Discourse and Drainpipes) is going to be short. Very short.

In this addition it was me, Leigh and Dave. Dan was in Bristol (keeps taking people away) and Simon wanted sleep for his new job selling sky door to door. (Simon not coming means Tim is unable to come). But we soldier on. Again.

This session was basically two very long fights. One against about 4 orcs and another against an uber orc. This took us about 2 hours with an hours break in the middle for top gear. No idea how this happened cause we didn't do THAT badly. I mean I was competent. I kicked some ass. And failed to wake up Alexander the easily persauded (Simons character) then once I managed to wake him I failed to un tie him. Twice. Each. Stupid 2.

So yeah. Basically the interesting things that happened. Other than the fact Glady's is now back and kicking some ass (did 46 dmg on her first attack). I leveled twice aswell. Levels actually go a lot quicker in 4th edition due to them being every 1,250 or something like that. Maybe this is better?

So ... hows the recession treating everyone? I for one am enjoying my 60p saving on computer games. Yeah. But in seriousness I'm not someone who's going to be effected by this. I have a stable job, I live with my parents, I don't own a small business in a competitive market. I'm fine. Though I was reading a new article the other day that says there's going to be some big revisions done to the welfare state. So hopefully by the time I'm paying tax it wont be going to chavs who can;t be fucked to work and instead pump out children they don't know how to raise nor care about (but are still seen as having more right to have these children than a gay couple). I feel sorry for those children and even more sorry for the people they decide to take their anger out on.

Talking about people who don't like homosexuals having rights: gay marriage. I've pretty much said what I think on Coopers blog but just to add to that: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8j2y9WtTPw .. I've just spent an hour watching prop 8 things on youtube trying to fidn a specific video btu failing. Basically the video I was trying to find was these two kids, about 6, singing about how gay marriage is a terrible thing. I thought it was pretty damn appalling. Its one thing to be against gay amrriage but using children in your ads? Using children with a jointy tune? Thats just low. But instead I found others, like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75J3TN9Zzck&feature=related and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YRQZwNfQ0o&feature=related.

I find the fear mungering of these ads to be insulting to my intellegence. Then remember their not for me and feel sorry for the Americans who were being insulted in such away. Even mroe sorry for those who bought it. Will gay amrriage and sodomy be taught in school because of prop 8? Probably not, but its not really about that. Its about religious groups fearing that if the government says that homosexuality is alright that that might mean society will say homosexuality is alright. And if society say homosexuality is right then men and women wont have to go through years of self mental torture trying their hardest to deny who they are. Men and women wont have to suffer verbal and physical abuse for trying to be who they are and not hidng themselves. Because if society says its ok then men and women wont be forced into "correctional" facilities run by churches nor will they continue to go to church in the hope of a miracle. Further more if the government says its ok then that means the state and church are apart, and they can't have that.

The funniest thing about this is that these ads were heavily financed by mormons. Apparently $20 million were given by the mormon church to drum up ads and support for prop 8. From Utah. Mormons from the state of Utah drummed up $20 million to appose gay marriage in the state of California. Surely that money could have gone to improving their state. Could ahve gone to improving the country, but no. No they chose to spend it ond enying people rights. Swell.

... I blame Cooper for this being longer than the title suggests. Anyway I leave you with two more videos; the Jack Black musical and another one from keith Olberman.


The Bible contains six admonishments to homosexuals and 362 admonishments to heterosexuals. That doesn't mean that God doesn't love heterosexuals. It's just that they need more supervision. ~Lynn Lavner