Ok, this I have to share; Nerds running around America trying to be "super"heroes.
Seriously, there is a whole "registry" web site for these people: World Superhero Registry. Give it a read because the exerts the have from their blogs are hilarious. For example:
"I am Nostrum and I am a protector of the people. When night comes, I don my uniform and work to keep society's virtues and morals in place by doing all I can to stop crime, corruption, and chaos. I am a firm believer in Moral Absolutism and will fight for the greater good of society as I have done in secret for several years now. You know I exist, you know who I am, so know if you step foot on my streets I will be watching you. "
But its not only America, but also Italy:
" A stylized SIGMA is my symbol. SIGMA, because I sum up all the powerful, silent and venomous small creatures inhabiting this world. SIGMA, because I'm a synthesis, the human-like swansong of millions of races. I employ my faculties in saving what is left to save and destroying what doesn't fit in the bigger scheme of equilibrium. I strike the right web lines in people's minds, infusing morality into the body of corruption. From investigation to crime fighting to activism, I stand for the biggest conundrum of the known universe: balance between enthalpy and entropy. To be a Real Life Superhero is truly the greatest deed a man can accomplish in a backwards world like this, where fiction is truer to reality than reality itself. On the other hand, the chance to fight for such a stunning planet is too significant to be turned down. Hear my buzz, fear my bite: I inject justice. "
And the United Kingdoms (seriously, they actually call it United Kingdoms O_o.)
"Angle-grinder Man patrols by night looking for unhappy drivers who have been clamped and then sets their cars free. An odd-job man by day, he operates in Kent during the week and in London on weekends. He decided to go "full-time vigilante" in May this year."
Yeah ... We get some dude dressing up to unclamp cars ¬_¬, justice for all indeed. But don't fear! Cause inWhitley there's a dynamic duo dressing up as Batman and Robin to help "stranded motorists and light crime fighting." Light crime fighting? Is that like Light Mayonaise? They only fight criminals with 5% less fat?
I like how in their profiles they all have a part to declare their arch enemies. Who ever this "None" person is must be a badass, cause he's the arch enemy of all of them! Except Tothian, who's arch enemies are; Omar Al-Bashir, Osama Bin Laden. Yes ladies and gentlemen the American government is FINALLY sending superheroes to find Bin Laden. You go Tothian! I also like how Tothian's identity is stated as "secret" yet his picture shows him without a mask.
Unfortunatly these people aren't millionaire play boys who have martial arts training, cool gadgets or a super powerful metal suit that can fly. No these a normal ... "normal" people who are dressing up in really bad costumes and fighting crime, The Watchmen style. Though with less class. And effectiveness.
So what does this all mean? You CAN be a masked vigilanty. But, for the love of God, either a) get super powers or b) make a good costume first.
" Although it may be tempting to pursue petty criminals due to the ease with which they can be found, in many cases it does not truly serve the cause of justice, nor is it worth the risk."
P.S. Blogger sucks so doesn't except that I've actually changed the fonts. Bah.