Previously on 24: "Well I would like to have a job as a teaching assistant but the people at Eggbuckland Community College seem to pick their teaching assistants before advertising that they need them so its pretty hard to get the job. Though it would be nice to be told if I have the job or not, I mean its not like I'm not in the exact same building as them every week day."
Good new everyone, there's been progress! No I didn't get the job so stop making that list of things you "need" me to buy you. While I didn't get the job I could have got the job if I had experience with children. Good experience, not catholic priest experience. Apparently I'm perfect for the job, they even said my degree was perfect for it. Never thought I'd hear those words. However the aforementioned lack of experience cause my perfection to become a branston pickleless sandwhich (Yes I've been watching Yahtzee, yes I like branstons pickle, no I don't need it on all my sandwhiches).
"This is sounding less like progress and more like teasing" I hear you say, hoping I get to the point soon. Well out of this came some good. Not wanting to let me down again and not being able to offer me the job they offered me volentery TA work =D. In other words I get to do what I would be doing if I were emploid as a TA just without getting money =D, just with less days. Anyway before any of that I have to do another CRB form cause I might have become a convicted fellon while working for them. This'll cost them £30 for me to tell them what they already know. Brilliant.
The bottom line of all this is that is a TA job does come up I'll be first inline for the job and as such progress =D. As previously stated a salery of £15,025 a year (about £1,252 a year) would be a lovely salery for me, one I could probably happily live with however this Teaching Assistant thing can lead to actual teaching so there we go. Though this does leave me a bit uncertain as to whether I should apply for a PGCE now or wait and see what happens ...
Anyway with good karma comes bad karma. Well slightly inconvenient karma. Ann was out at work today so I had to do 10 classrooms today. I was also supposed to sweep my passage and stairs but it was 5:50 when I'd finished my last class and I was supposed to be gone by 5:45 so I had to leave it. Another anoyance is their having some parent teacher thing tomorrow at 3:45 or something silly but the kids leave at 3 so I have 45 minutes to do an hour and a quarter job. Swell planning here. Oh well I get to go in to work in the morning on Friday leaving the whole day free for fun ^_^.
All I need now is for 3 of my bestest friends to make a random appearence for a brilliant weekend. Oh wait!
Sparky: Zombies? Zombies?! Zombies! Argh zombies! zombies! Zombies! zombi-