Thursday, 20 November 2008

Incorporal shadows in the dark.

Why am I writing a blog? Well I don't have a cam corder so can't do a vlog. Actually I'm blogging so I can be apart of Cooper's starring on his blog. I'm not sure if this is a solid basis for a blog but what the hell, whats the worse that can happen?

Well I guess I'll start with telling people whats happening in my life at the moment. I clean things, 6 classrooms, a corridor and a stair well to be more specific. Its not exactly exciting nor is it really something I'd like to be doing for more time than is necessary but its easy and I get £300 a month, apparently more this month due to a pay rise, so its not all bad.

Now for all those thinking "Why doesn't Boote just get another job?" might not have tried to get a job in Plymouth ever, but its hard. Plus I don't just want a job in retail and as such my choices are more limited in a sense. What job do I want? Well I would like to have a job as a teaching assistant but the people at Eggbuckland Community College seem to pick their teaching assistants before advertising that they need them so its pretty hard to get the job. Though it would be nice to be told if I have the job or not, I mean its not like I'm not in the exact same building as them every week day.

To be honest I'm not an ambitious person, all I want is a moderatly paid job thats more interesting than sitting/standing at a till scanning things asking "You have a club card?" or "Find everything you were looking for?". A job inwhich gives me £15,025 a year would be nice. A job to pay the bills, the shopping and have enough left over to save and get a luxury now and again. I'm a simple person with simple needs.

Now we've gone through my current job and future job wants, lets do my current passtimes; nothing. Seriously I'm very bored. I would like to be out convorting with any number of peoples who like me enjoy a good froliking now and again. However it has not worked out. So far I have tried a single sport; Ice hockey and it was disappointing. Instead of being tought how to play ice hockey as I was hoping for me and Carl were given skates, sticks, helmets and gloves and told to play. As you can imagine this isn't quite helpful to two people who haven't skated in a long while. It was much like playing football for the first time at 21 after you;ve recently recovered from brittle bone disease in your legs and were thrown into a match straight away. But we soldiered on where I was largely ignored by my "team". Even still I kinda had fun. If I knew how to play this sport I think I could really get on well with it, unfortunetly this wasn't to be. On the plus I was made captain within 5 minutes =D.

With Ice Hockey kinda brushed aside I'd like to play field hockey, but the only thing that comes up in google is marjons and that looks all proffessional and scary. Though they do have 5 teams so I might be able to get into one. I did facebook Holly but either she doesn't check facebook often or thinks me asking this after 3 years of minimal to no contact was a bit of a cheek and as such ignored me. Who knows.

So after all this I'm left in the exact same place as I was before all this started and I'm actually feeling more exhausted
with failing to find a sport to play than I would actually participating in one. I'm sure none of you are thinking "Why not just go football training with Carl?" well I've hinted at this but either he's denser than what I previously thought he was or he's ignoring it purposefully cause he doesn't think I'd be very good at it or I'm not cool enough to hang out with his football friends.

In good news my brithdays soon and I shall be 22. The only problem with this is I don't really know what to recieve for my birthday. My current thought is to get some roller blades due to it will give me something more athletic than walking to do on a saturday but I suppose there might be a better present to recieve so if anyone has any ideas then do give me a message.

Anyway this first post has gone on long enough so I'll end with a preview of the topics that will be covered on the next post: England goal keepers and pedophilia. Will these two be related or will they be two complete different topics discussed on the same post? You'll find out next time!

I used to end these things with a quote so I suppose I'll continue the trend:

“If you have any thoughts or opinions on what you’ve seen in the last ten weeks, do please keep them to yourselves.” - Jeremy Clarkson.